The Great Big Red Wheelie Bin

" life is looking for a black cat in a dark room,
capitalism is looking for a black cat in a dark room that is not there
and communism is looking for a black cat in a dark room that is not
there and shouting "I have found it, I have found it."


If is Red and you don't want it, bin it in the Virtual Wheelie Bin.  Anything red, laws, politics, people

Any comments or reasons stated are in the binner's opinion and this accepted by reading on. 


Tony Blair - Iraq

for lying to illegally invade Iraq.

for never giving negotiation a chance

PCT 11th November 2007



Gordon Brown - Losing the personal data of 25 million people

for failing to ensure a standard of management to maintain proper system control

PCT 20th November 2007


Gordon Brown - For reducing staff levels at Inland Revenue

for cost cutting and reducing staffs levels so that a proper efficient service cannot be maintain

PCT 20th November 2007


Gordon Brown - Tax Credits

for the fiasco of Tax Credits

PCT 20th November 2007


Des Browne Minister of Defence - For threatening to gag Coroners

who dare to criticise the Ministry of Defence for their failures in provision of equipment and care of British troops fighting abroad.

PCT 17th March 2008


Alistair Darling - Northern Rock

for committing the public to a £10 billion guarantee till 2010

PCT 20th November 2007


Alistair Darling - Losing the personal data of 25 million people

for on taking office, failing to review the standards of management to maintain proper system control

PCT 20th November 2007


Jacqui Smith Home Secretary - For attempting to introduce ID by stealth

Jacqui Smith intends to introduce ID card initially for airport workers and others can apply voluntarily. If an American army base which must have intensive security can be infiltrated and attacked by an Iraqi how does she imagine that ultimately 65 million people can be positively vetted. The sheer volume of work is staggering. How do you ensure that data is correctly or honestly entered or the database is not contracted out to private companies to maintain. How do you ensure records are not interfered with by hackers or infiltrators.   

PCT 17th March 2008